The many faces of stress Stress manifests differently depending on the individual, influencing many biological processes that begin in the brain and spread through nearly all body systems - including the adrenals, thyroid, neurotransmitter systems, digestive system, and heart. Consistent stress over long periods of time can become a serious threat to maintaining lifelong wellness as so much energy...
Body Composition
All experts agree that obesity, even being overweight, contributes heavily to all degenerative disease. The United States Surgeon General stated that a failure to address excessive weight and obesity "could wipe out the gains we've made in areas such as heart disease, several forms of cancer, and other chronic health problems." Although attempts to lose weight are common in the...
Female Conditions
Amenorrhea Absence of menstruation. Amenorrhea may be primary (the girl has never begun her periods) or secondary (the woman had her periods once and then stopped having them). Physiologic amenorrhea is the lack of menses before menarche, during pregnancy and early lactation, and after menopause (all considered normal). All other causes of amenorrhea are pathologic. Causes of Primary...
Fertility / Sexual Dysfunction - Male and Female
10-15% of couples experience the inability to conceive, and the percentage is growing. Men account for 40% of failures to conceive. Of the women who are responsible, failure to ovulate accounts for 30% of infertility problems; pelvic factors (such as tubal disease and endometriosis) account for 50%; cervical pathology is responsible 10% of the time; and in 10-20% of the women no reason is...
Adapted from "Nutritional Therapies for Fibromyalgia Syndrome", written by Kristi Hughes, ND Fibromyalgia is a syndrome characterized by generalized musculoskeletal pain and stiffness, chronic aching, fatigue, and multiple areas of local tenderness that can be identified during physical examination. Research studies suggest that fibromyalgia pain may be the result of a...
Neurological Conditions
Neurological Conditions The Interplay of Neurotransmitters & Mental States The body is the theater for emotional and cognitive states. Whether mood or mental issues express themselves through behavior or physical functioning-neurotransmitters are one group of characters at play. Memory and cognitive processes are heavily dependent on acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter...
Polymyalgia Rheumatica
What is polymyalgia rheumatica? Polymyalgia rheumatica (pronounced pah-lee-my-al-jah room-at-i-ca) is a type of arthritis that affects the muscles. It does not affect the bones, or the joints, which are the spots where two bones come together. It causes muscles to become stiff, tender and very sore. This is called inflammation. Even though the muscles are sore they do not become weak.
Medical Laborarory Tests and Health Screens
Read about advanced medical laboratory tests and health screens you can order. The lab tests help to detect functional changes in the body. Those changes indicate health challenges which must be treated for the body to remain in good health. Functional lab tests allow common conditions to be detected five years in advance, when there is still a chance to treat them with nutritional medicine.