colon cancer - Search Results

Tests and Functional Medicine Services

Exciting News!  Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren (Dr. T) and his staff here at the Ecopolitan Eco-Health Community are pleased to announce the arrival of the highly-anticipated Stool Antigen Tests.  Dr. T has customized these simple and non-invasive food panels, which reveal any sensitivities towards common food-proteins and gluten (and the presence of celiac) with the greatest accuracy available...

Colonoscopy Procedure

Question: My Mother died of Colon Cancer and I have to have a Colonoscopy done every couple of years. I sure would love not to have to go through Colonoscopy procedure if there is another way to check for Colon Cancer.

Medical Laborarory Tests and Health Screens

Read about advanced medical laboratory tests and health screens you can order. The lab tests help to detect functional changes in the body. Those changes indicate health challenges which must be treated for the body to remain in good health. Functional lab tests allow common conditions to be detected five years in advance, when there is still a chance to treat them with nutritional medicine.


What are the nutritional strategies in treatment of cancer? Here is your guide to enhancing the immune / antioxidant status, enzyme therapy, chemotherapy and / or radiation therapy support and suggested nutritional supplementation.

The Most Dangerous, Expensive, Questionable Diagnostic Test Routinely Ordered for You and Your Loved Ones: What to Do Instead?

Get it now for just $19.95 FREE! Don't have time for the entire video? Get a PDF Summary!   In this detailed summary PDF your will learn: What is the best NEW scientific test to accurately detect the most feared cancer (up to 30 years before the "routine" test will detect it), when it's still easy to reverse the process with no drugs, radiation, or surgery? What is...