health AND - Search Results

Asthma Triggers and Electrical / EMF Pollution

Question: In the last newsletter, we asked: "If you would like to help others improve their health and learn about eco-friendly living, email this letter to a friend". So, here are the questions of "Joan", who got this newsletter from a caring friend, "Mary":

Trace Mineral Drops

Trace Mineral Drops

ConcenTrace® Trace Mineral Drops concen-trace-mineralsThe Most Powerful, Natural, Health Giving Trace Minerals in the World. Formulated by Nature for Greater Bio Health and Body Mineral Balancing.  From Utah's Inland Sea Soluble · Liquid · Ionic

The Inspiration & Purpose Behind Eco Global Retreats & Adventures

People often ask me why I have decided, as a part of my life's mission, to occupy myself with ecological tourism and the organization of global adventures, especially in light of how busy I am with other projects, including various clinics in and out of the USA, the expanding international Ecopolitan Eco-Health Network, web-based projects, inventions, local and international lectures, writing,...

Milk and "Strong Bones"

During many of my lectures here and abroad about the detriment of society's obsessive consumption of dairy products, I noticed that my audiences seemed amenable enough to digesting the scientifically proven facts regarding the close association between milk products and many kinds of cancer, asthma, infections, allergies, auto-immune disease, inflammation, arthritis, weight gain, many...

Nepal/Sri Lanka Adventure

3 Weeks, 2 South Asian Countries, 1 Trip of a Lifetime! Tropical Ocean Retreat in Sri Lanka & Sustainable, Socially Responsible Himalayan Adventure in Nepal March 16-April 4, 2010

Autoimmune Conditions

Examples of autoimmune conditions include the following: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) Type 1 diabetes Crohn's Disease Hashimoto's thyroiditis Neurological diseases Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Glomerulanephritis Pernicious Anaemia Goodpasture's syndrome Scleroderma Raynaud's Phenomenon Lupus (e.g., systemic lupus erythematosus [SLE]) Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)...

Female Conditions

Amenorrhea Absence of menstruation. Amenorrhea may be primary (the girl has never begun her periods) or secondary (the woman had her periods once and then stopped having them). Physiologic amenorrhea is the lack of menses before menarche, during pregnancy and early lactation, and after menopause (all considered normal). All other causes of amenorrhea are pathologic.   Causes of Primary...


Adapted from "Nutritional Therapies for Fibromyalgia Syndrome", written by Kristi Hughes, ND Fibromyalgia is a syndrome characterized by generalized musculoskeletal pain and stiffness, chronic aching, fatigue, and multiple areas of local tenderness that can be identified during physical examination.   Research studies suggest that fibromyalgia pain may be the result of a...


Inflammation of the liver characterized by patchy or generalized hepatocellular necrosis There are 4 major kinds of hepatitis: type A, type B, type D, and type non-A, non-B. The disease is viral in origin and although types A, B, and D can be distinguished by their antigenic properties, all four display a clinically similar picture.  Other less common infective causes of hepatitis include...

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and Celiac Disease

Infrared Sauna

Infrared Sauna

Welcome to the Ecopolitan's Infrared Sauna. Relax in the cedar chamber for infrared treatment anytime you wish. Step in and listen to music, read or meditate as you experience the therapeutic benefits of Ecopolitan's infrared thermal sauna. You'll emerge feeling refreshed, detoxified and rejuvenated. Call us at: 612-87-GREEN (612-874-7336) to schedule a session, or just stop by during...

Prostatitis (Prostatic Hypertrophy, Benign)

Pathology A common entity which occurs in about four out of every five men in America over the age of   50 years. It is characterized by the growth of multiple fibroadenomatous nodules enlarging the prostate gland and compromising the urethra causing variable degrees of bladder outlet obstruction.


The many faces of stress Stress manifests differently depending on the individual, influencing many biological processes that begin in the brain and spread through nearly all body systems - including the adrenals, thyroid, neurotransmitter systems, digestive system, and heart. Consistent stress over long periods of time can become a serious threat to maintaining lifelong wellness as so much energy...

Eco-Healing Stay

Holistic Care, Healing, Detoxification, and Eco-Raw Immersion  Available at the Ecopolitan Building in Minneapolis*

The Occasional Junk Food - Helping your Friends to Heal

I frequently encounter the question:  "Junk food - how bad can it be if it's "only a rare occurrence"?"  Previously, I've touched on this subject; today we will complete this discussion. The past article began as follows:

Amazing Tropical Retreat and Himalayan Adventure

This newsletter will surprise you with in-depth articles about an unforgettable Nepal and Sri Lanka extravaganza, and about Functional Medicine. Also, get up-to-date news about recent and upcoming events and activities at Ecopolitan Communities around the world!

Foraging, Herbology, and Mangoes, it must be Spring!

When I was in Israel (the Galilee) and Italy (Tuscany) a few weeks ago, I went foraging a bit (see those pictures and other foraging  pictures in the blog). Even in Victoria, BC last week I found some time with my hosts to eat some wild plants (but not in Seattle, Olympia area, and Portland - I wish there was more time!). Each country and State with its own micro-climate supports its own...

Epigenetics, Detoxification, and You

I am back from an arduous lecture-and-patients tour of Israel and Italy! After seeing nutritional and skin-lesion patients in the Tel Aviv area, I traveled a bit north to lecture at an environmental health conference, focusing on the connection between our genetics and susceptibility to illness as a result of environmental, nutritional, hormonal, and emotional influences.

Raw Food - Ideal % for Your Child's Health

Question: I bet you get this question alot, how much raw food do "you" eat a day and what do you recommend the percentage young children should have? I have noticed quite a difference in my child compared to others (tantroms, illnesses, appearance) that eats organic mostly, chicken is the only animal product she eats. Never gets sick, if she picks up a runny nose its gone in a day....

"Ask Dr. T" - Recorded Lectures (CDs and DVDs)

The Dark Side of Dark Field Microscopy (1 CD) DESCRIPTION: Learn about the inadequacies of dark field microscopy, the dangers of diagnosis from this method and better alternatives to dark field microscopy.  COST: $15 + shipping EMDR With Brainspotting: For Warp-Speed Emotional Healing (1 CD) DESCRIPTION: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocesing) is a therapy used to...

The Occasional Junk Food

Question: Often enough, during parties or meetings, or during my travels (in and out of the airplane...), I am asked questions resembling this: "what if I have a Big Mac just once in a while? Or a Cheese Pizza once a week? Or chocolate just infrequently?"

Himalayan Sulfur Rich Black Salt

Himalayan Sulfur Rich Black Salt

100% natural, wholesome, traditional Ayurvedic healing black rock salt is hygienically HAND-CLEANED and crushed using non-painted stainless steel, in a Nepali government-approved Fair Trade facility DEDICATED TO THIS SALT ONLY - no risk of contaminants, heavy metals, or allergens.    NO chemical processing, refining, heating or cooking! Just theNATURALLY SULFUR-RICH ancient RAW black...

Functional Medicine and Beyond

By Prof. Adiel Tel-Oren, MD (Europe), CCN, DABFM, DACBN, LN, DC(ret), DABOM, FABDA; Practice Focus: Nutritional, Environmental, & Functional Medicine President & Founder, Ecopolitan Eco-Health Network ( President Emeritus & Professor of Nutrition and Functional Medicine, University of Natural Medicine

Why Eco-Adventures?

In this newsletter you will discover:   Revolutionary NEW scientific method to prevent serious illnesses and degenerative diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, and fungus that colonize our bodies because of modern living. Personal account of Dr. T's trip to Tanzania, learning about indigenous human nutrition and African wildlife, and his record speed climb up Kilimanjaro without...

October 2014 Thailand Adventure

Authentic Thailand - Tropical Fruit, Vegan Thai Cuisine, and Beachfront Retreat 7 days with Dr. T, plus his revolutionary Vmix Bone & Muscle Strength & Toning Routine! This adventure starts immediately after Dr. T's Humanitarian Eco-Trek in Nepal (October 14-27) - both trips can be combined to introduce 2 countries instead of one, for the same long flight...

Gold Standards

Many times during the last three years, people have expressed concerns about the cleanliness of restaurant food in general and about what Ecopolitan is doing about it in particular. So here's the scoop:

Allergies and Food Sensitivities

Question: Dr. T, thanks for writing my college a letter explaining my special health needs arising from my chemical sensitivities and food sensitivities and my related dietary requirements. As you know, my nutritional demands depart radically from the School Lunch program, which derives its inspiration from the SAD- Standard American Diet. I received some resistance from the school officials, who...

About Ecopolitan

About Ecopolitan

Visit Ecopolitan's Eco-Health Network to get science-based eco-health information and products, and engage in activities

October 2018 Eco-Trek

Humanitarian Eco-Trek in Nepal: October 12-25, 2018 Join us for an adventure that includes an off-the-beaten-path trek of the magnificent Himalayas, an authentic Nepali community tour, a jungle safari in Chitwan National Park, a World Heritage Site tour, and much more! Guided by Dr. T, this group adventure also supports sustainable rural development and education for poor Nepali children and...

Medical Laborarory Tests and Health Screens

Read about advanced medical laboratory tests and health screens you can order. The lab tests help to detect functional changes in the body. Those changes indicate health challenges which must be treated for the body to remain in good health. Functional lab tests allow common conditions to be detected five years in advance, when there is still a chance to treat them with nutritional medicine.

March 2014 Nepali Eco-Trek

March 2014 Nepali Eco-Trek

Join us for an adventure that includes an off-the-beaten-path trek of the magnificent Himalayas, an authentic Nepali community tour, a jungle safari in Chitwan National Park, a World Heritage Site tour, and much more! Guided by Dr. T, this group adventure also supports sustainable rural development and education for poor Nepali children and orphans. These unique tours encompass two Himalayan...

Spring Nepali Eco-Trek - March 2013

Join us for an adventure that includes an off-the-beaten-path trek of the magnificent Himalayas, an authentic Nepali community tour, a jungle safari in Chitwan National Park, a World Heritage Site tour, and much more! Guided by Dr. T, this group adventure also supports sustainable rural development and education for poor Nepali children and orphans. These unique tours encompass two Himalayan...

Eco-Trek and Nepali Community Tour - Autumn 2011

See Two Countries in One Trans-Pacific Trip! Mardi Himal/Gorkha Eco-Trek and Nepali Community Tour, Optional Tropical Thai Mini-Retreat, plus much more! Guided by Dr. T, this Group Adventure also Supports Sustainable Rural Development and Education for Poor Nepali Children and Orphans Exploring the Himalayas, Authentic Nepali Village Life, the Jungles of Chitwan National Park, Everest Learning...

Eco-Trek and Nepali Community Tour - Spring 2011

Mardi Himal Rhododendron Bloom Eco-Trek and Nepali Community Tour, and much more! Guided by Dr. T, this Group Adventure Also Supports Sustainable Rural Development and Education for Poor Nepali Children and Orphans Exploring The Himalayas, Authentic Nepali Village Life, The Spiritual Birthplace of Buddha, Chitwan Jungle Park, and Magnificent World Heritage Site Temples  ~ March 23 - April 8,...

Eco-Trek and Nepali Community Tour - Spring 2012

One-Of-A-Kind Himalayan Eco-Trek, Nepali Community Tour, and Much More! Explore the Himalayas, Experience Authentic Nepali Village Life, View Magnificent World Heritage Site Temples, Explore Chitwan National Park, Support the Everest Learning Academy for Disadvantaged Children, and Take Part in a Humanitarian Program Designed to Fight Racism in Nepal. ~March 16-31, 2012 – Rhododendron Bloom~

Nepali Eco-Trek & Community Tour - Autumn 2012

1.Nepali Community Tour ~ September 24th – October 4th, 2012 ~ 2. One-Of-A-Kind Himalayan Eco-Trek  ~ October 3rd – 17th, 2012 ~

Ecopolitan April 2012 Newsletter

Here's our monthly newsletter from Ecopolitan —giving you the latest and greatest information and news on Dr. T’s lecture schedule, Ecopolitan events and news, and health tips.

Ecopolitan March 2012 Newsletter

Ecopolitan's monthly newsletter is back —giving you the latest and greatest information and news on Dr. T’s lecture schedule, Ecopolitan events and news, and health tips.

About Dr. T

About Dr. T

Prof. Adiel Tel-Oren ("Dr. T") MD, DC, DABFM, DABCN, CCN - Health & Nutrition Science Expert; Holistic Skin Scientist; World-Wide Lecturer to Doctors, Health Practitioners, & the Public; Founder of the "Tel-Oren MucoCutaneous Therapy" - a Non-Surgical, Non-Medical Approach to Skin and Mucous Lesions; Skin & Anti-Aging Diagnostics and Therapeutics Innovator;...


What are the nutritional strategies in treatment of cancer? Here is your guide to enhancing the immune / antioxidant status, enzyme therapy, chemotherapy and / or radiation therapy support and suggested nutritional supplementation.

Nutritional Consultations

The following information will help you prepare for your consultation appointment with Dr. T, if you seek his guidance on your quest for health and wellness:

October 2016 Eco-Trek

Humanitarian Eco-Trek in Nepal: October 17-29, 2016 Join us for an adventure that includes an off-the-beaten-path trek of the magnificent Himalayas, an authentic Nepali community tour, a jungle safari in Chitwan National Park, a World Heritage Site tour, and much more! Guided by Dr. T, this group adventure also supports sustainable rural development and education for poor Nepali children and...

James Martin Transformed

My name is James Martin and I am 59 years old. Most of my life I have been a very healthy person, a very energetic outgoing person, fun person, loved to be around people, loved to be active and always had an extremely vigorous appetite. I love to eat. I was raised around good cooks. My mother, grandmother and ex-wife were great cooks. And eating was always a very, very big thing with me. I ate...

Nepali Nectar - by Amanda Heidemann

Nepali Nectar - by Amanda Heidemann

As the plane soared through the beauteous expanse frosting the tips of the mighty Himalayas and then glided across the towering Kathmandu valley so crowded with metallic and candy-colored structures and girdled by a sea of cascading terraces, I remained unaware that the theme for the rest of the journey had already been put in place - immensity. Immensity of not only the external landscapes...

Spring 2016 Thailand Retreat

Authentic Thailand - Tropical Fruit, Vegan Thai Cuisine, and Beachfront Retreat: March 29 - April 4, 2016

March 2015 Thailand Retreat

 days with Dr. T, plus his revolutionary Vmix Bone & Muscle Strength & Toning Routine! This adventure starts immediately prior to Dr. T's Humanitarian Eco-Trek in Nepal (March 15-28) - both trips can be combined to introduce 2 countries instead of one, for the same long flight...

October 2015 Thailand Retreat

7 days with Dr. T, plus his revolutionary Vmix Bone & Muscle Strength & Toning Routine! This adventure starts immediately prior to Dr. T's Humanitarian Eco-Trek in Nepal (October 22-November 3) - both trips can be combined to introduce 2 countries instead of one, for the same long flight...

Autumn 2015 Nepali Eco-Trek

Join us for an adventure that includes an off-the-beaten-path trek of the magnificent Himalayas, an authentic Nepali community tour, a jungle safari in Chitwan National Park, a World Heritage Site tour, and much more! Guided by Dr. T, this group adventure also supports sustainable rural development and education for poor Nepali children and orphans. These unique tours encompass two Himalayan...

March 2016 Eco-Trek

Humanitarian Eco-Trek in Nepal: March 18-31, 2016 Join us for an adventure that includes an off-the-beaten-path trek of the magnificent Himalayas, an authentic Nepali community tour, a jungle safari in Chitwan National Park, a World Heritage Site tour, and much more! Guided by Dr. T, this group adventure also supports sustainable rural development and education for poor Nepali children and...

Autumn 2013 Nepali Eco-Trek

Join us for an adventure that includes an off-the-beaten-path trek of the magnificent Himalayas, an authentic Nepali community tour, a jungle safari in Chitwan National Park, a World Heritage Site tour, and much more! Guided by Dr. T, this group adventure also supports sustainable rural development and education for poor Nepali children and orphans. These unique tours encompass two Himalayan...

October 2014 Nepali Humanitarian Eco-Trek

Join us for an adventure that includes an off-the-beaten-path trek of the magnificent Himalayas, an authentic Nepali community tour, a jungle safari in Chitwan National Park, a World Heritage Site tour, and much more! Guided by Dr. T, this group adventure also supports sustainable rural development and education for poor Nepali children and orphans. These unique tours encompass two Himalayan...

August 2019 Foraging Retreat with Dr. T

Four Days of Foraging - A retreat with Ecopolitan Community Founder Dr. T: Health Education, Nutrition, & Fun in Nature When:   August 7-11, 2019 Where:  River Haven, Wisconsin Arrive:  Wednesday, August 7 (between 7:00-9:00 PM)               or Thursday, August 8 (between 6:00-8:00 AM) Depart:  Sunday, August 11...

Spring 2015 Nepali Eco-Trek

Join us for an adventure that includes an off-the-beaten-path trek of the magnificent Himalayas, an authentic Nepali community tour, a jungle safari in Chitwan National Park, a World Heritage Site tour, and much more! Guided by Dr. T, this group adventure also supports sustainable rural development and education for poor Nepali children and orphans. These unique tours encompass two Himalayan...