
Coconut Oil - the Saturated Fat Myth

Question: What is the deal with coconut oil? I hear that it is "wonder oil." How is that possible considering that is among the oils highest in saturated fat?

Answer: Thank you for your question. Saturated fat is  considered "bad"  by some authorities only when it contains LONG CHAIN fatty acids, as is the case with animal fat  (in flesh, dairy, and eggs, where it is also associated with cholesterol, another "reason" for its bad reputation - a reason that is not based on good, up-to-date science but on the drug-pushing pharmaceutical industry's desire to sell more cholesterol-lowering drugs to the unsuspecting public) . 

Coconut fat  contains  SHORT and MEDIUM CHAIN fatty acids, making it a perfect food for gut cells, for healthy (thyroid-protective) metabolism, and for prevention of the negative effects of unstable fats in vegetable oils (coconut fat functions as a cardio-protective, immune-protective, and cellular defense antioxidant, preventing the formation of dangerous fatty acid free radicals in rancidity-prone seed oils). Also, these  coconut fatty acids have good antimicrobial capabilities  (inhibiting the growth of viruses, bacteria, fungus or yeast, and parasites while promoting gastro-intestinal health). They enhance the immune system as well, and improve our overall hormonal balance.

Coconut oil is perfect for improved fat-burning metabolic activity, so it is an excellent addition to any weight-loss program (remember, good fat is necessary for general health!). It is great for skin care, since "you don't want to put anything on your skin that you won't put in your mouth" - our certified-organic "Tropical Traditions" coconut oil, available at Ecopolitan (discounted price!) is a delicious food, minimally processed using traditional methods while supporting fair trade in the Philippines.

One reason saturated fat (when not derived from animals) is actually very good  is that it  is  very  stable (does not go rancid in heat, oxygen, and light). The seed industry has brain-washed us to believe that all saturated fats are bad, so that we would use their extremely unhealthy, unstable cheap oils (especially soy, corn, peanut, safflower, sunflower, and canola oils) instead of the  previously highly available, highly stable coconut and palm oils.

If you have a nutritional or brief medical question you would like Doctor T to answer, please contact us and it may be answered in a future newsletter or article.

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