Address - Search Results

Lupus (Erythematosus)

This is a chronic, inflammatory, autoimmune (the body is attacking itself) disease that affects connective tissue (tissue  that  binds and supports various structures of the body and also includes the blood). Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is a less serious type, affecting exposed areas of the skin and sometimes the joints. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is more serious,...

Colon Hydrotherapy with Carol Edel

​Carol Edel's Colon Hydrotherapy office is part of the Eco-Healing Center at the Ecopolitan Building, which is ecological (eCOLONogical...) not only in the items mentioned above but also in the sense that the colon's ecology is thoroughly and positively addressed by the practitioner. Carol Edel has been a Certified Colon Hydrotherapy Practitioner for over 30 yrs. She was originally trained...



Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Brainspotting (BSP) and Multi-Tiered Trans-Generational Genogram (MTTG) Healthiness can be defined as a state of physical, social, mental and emotional well-being. True wellness requires attention to health at all levels; when one part of the system breaks down, it affects each of the others. Modern therapists have developed new ways to...

Epigenetics, Detoxification, and You

I am back from an arduous lecture-and-patients tour of Israel and Italy! After seeing nutritional and skin-lesion patients in the Tel Aviv area, I traveled a bit north to lecture at an environmental health conference, focusing on the connection between our genetics and susceptibility to illness as a result of environmental, nutritional, hormonal, and emotional influences.

The Occasional Junk Food

Question: Often enough, during parties or meetings, or during my travels (in and out of the airplane...), I am asked questions resembling this: "what if I have a Big Mac just once in a while? Or a Cheese Pizza once a week? Or chocolate just infrequently?"

Asthma Triggers and Electrical / EMF Pollution

Question: In the last newsletter, we asked: "If you would like to help others improve their health and learn about eco-friendly living, email this letter to a friend". So, here are the questions of "Joan", who got this newsletter from a caring friend, "Mary":

Natural Mole Removal

Question: I have a mole on my face (near my nose) since I was born. It has not changed, but it sometimes itches. Is there any risk involved with keeping it? I don't particularly like it, and others have commented on it occasionally or just stared at it...  

Raw Food - Ideal % for Your Child's Health

Question: I bet you get this question alot, how much raw food do "you" eat a day and what do you recommend the percentage young children should have? I have noticed quite a difference in my child compared to others (tantroms, illnesses, appearance) that eats organic mostly, chicken is the only animal product she eats. Never gets sick, if she picks up a runny nose its gone in a day....

Autism Spectrum Disorder Causes, Autism Treatment

Question: I am seeking some assistance with food prep for my family. My daughter is on the autism spectrum and has many food allergies and sensitivities. She is on a modified diet and the food preparation is too much for me to do on top of all of my other responsibilities. I am interested in paying someone to prepare some of our food on a weekly basis and also to expand our knowledge of food...

PDD Tests and Treatment

Question: A parent to a PDD child is interested in doing functional laboratory tests in order to get more information and suggest healing alternatives. I offered her the OAT  and the toxic elements but she wanted to know if there is a test which can give more information both on the PDD problem and on vaccination. Is the Detoxi-Genomic test suitable for this purpose? Would it give her also...

Headache: Vascular / Migraine

Headaches from vascular disturbance. There are several types of vascular headaches: Migraine: Periodic throbbing headaches. The prodrome seems to be due to a vasoconstriction of the cerebral blood vessels (or the vessels leading into the brain), while the headache itself seems to be due to a vasodilation of the blood vessels with subsequent congestion of tissues; seen more often in women...

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and Celiac Disease

Kidney Stones

Urinary calculi occurring in any part of the urinary tract are abnormal concretions usually composed of mineral salts such as mixtures of calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, and magnesium ammonium phosphate. They vary in size from microscopic to several centimeters in diameter. About 80% of all urinary stones contain calcium. The majority of these are composed of calcium oxalate. Contrary to...

Radiation Free Breast Screening

(For a printable version of this article, click this link to download the document.) DITI is a radiation free, contact free, non invasive (symptom-free), state of the art clinical screening test recommended for women of all ages. This test is part of an early breast disease detection and prevention program that provides women an opportunity to greatly increase their chances of addressing early...

Memory Loss / Cognitive Function Decline

Persons over 65 years old now comprise 12-15% of the U.S. population. Memory loss is one of the most common symptoms

Multiple Sclerosis

Nearly 350,000 Americans are affected by one of medicine's most misunderstood diseases, multiple sclerosis. Although there is no known cure, alternative medicine has recognized a number of contributing factors. Often, the early detection and identification of underlying causes combined with strict dietary and life-style guidelines can stabilize or reverse the symptoms.

Neurological Conditions

Neurological Conditions   The Interplay of Neurotransmitters & Mental States The body is the theater for emotional and cognitive states. Whether mood or mental issues express themselves through behavior or physical functioning-neurotransmitters are one group of characters at play. Memory and cognitive processes are heavily dependent on acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter...

Pain/Inflammation Management

A feeling of distress, suffering, or agony caused by stimulation of specialized nerve endings. The sensation we feel as pain is produced through a number of complex biochemical interactions. These interactions can be likened to a battle between the good guys, the body's natural pain relieving force, and the bad guys, the pain producers. When the good guys are winning the battle, we are not...

Parkinson's Disease

A chronic progressive CNS disorder characterized by slowness of purposeful movement, resting tremors, and muscle rigidity.  Also called "Parkinsonism" and "Paralysis Agitans" Dorland's Medical Dictionary describes the Parkinsonian complex as "neurologic disorders characterized by hypokinesia, tremors and muscular rigidity. It typically occurs late in life,...

Periodontal Disease

Gingivitis, Periodontitis, and Scorbutic Gums Periodontal disease is a scourge on our society. It accounts for more lost teeth in adulthood than any other dental problem. Gum disease will affect nine out of ten Americans, and one out of every four persons will lose all their teeth to periodontal disease by age 60. Thirty-two million Americans have gum disease right now in such an advanced state...

Rheumatoid Arthritis

The Natural Approach Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects the entire body but especially the synovial membranes of the joints. It is a classic example of an "autoimmune disease," a condition in which the body's immune system attacks the body's own tissue. Although rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic disease, it affects primarily the joints. The...

Skin Conditions

Acne Vulgaris   An inflammatory disease most commonly seen in teenagers. It affects areas where sebaceous glands are largest, most numerous, and most active. Mild cases consisting of few residual signs except possibly dilated pores, and the development  of the comedo, or blackhead,  may progress through more pathological  stages of ruptured sebaceous ducts, pustule formation,...


The many faces of stress Stress manifests differently depending on the individual, influencing many biological processes that begin in the brain and spread through nearly all body systems - including the adrenals, thyroid, neurotransmitter systems, digestive system, and heart. Consistent stress over long periods of time can become a serious threat to maintaining lifelong wellness as so much energy...

Novadermy -  Frequently Asked Questions

Novadermy - Frequently Asked Questions

How is Novadermy different from other rejuvenation procedures? This procedure is NOT a face lift, it is not a temporary superficial chemical peel, and no toxins are injected into the face. Novadermy has successfully prevented many people from having surgery, which has many side effects, including scarring, long recovery time, altered facial structure, toxicity (anesthetics and their many...

Tests and Functional Medicine Services

Exciting News!  Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren (Dr. T) and his staff here at the Ecopolitan Eco-Health Community are pleased to announce the arrival of the highly-anticipated Stool Antigen Tests.  Dr. T has customized these simple and non-invasive food panels, which reveal any sensitivities towards common food-proteins and gluten (and the presence of celiac) with the greatest accuracy available...


Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most commonly diagnosed behavioral disorder of childhood, estimated to affect between 3% and 5% of school-aged children. The core symptoms of ADHD include inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Although many people occasionally have difficulty sitting still, paying attention, or controlling impulsive behavior, these behaviors are so...

Alzheimer's Disease

Adapted from the book "" by David Perlmutter, MD Board-Certified Neurologist At present, approximately 4.5 million Americans have Alzheimer's disease. By the year 2030, it has been estimated that this number will approach 9 million. Prevalence of Alzheimer's disease has been estimated to be 50% in individuals 85 years or older-the most rapidly growing segment of...


Asthma is a disease in which inflammation of the airways restricts airflow in and out of the lungs. The word asthma comes from the Greek word for "panting." The panting and wheezing sound characteristic of asthma occur because of the restricted flow of air. Normally, when you breathe in an irritant or are subjected to a stressor such as exercise, your airways relax and open, allowing...

Autoimmune Conditions

Examples of autoimmune conditions include the following: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) Type 1 diabetes Crohn's Disease Hashimoto's thyroiditis Neurological diseases Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Glomerulanephritis Pernicious Anaemia Goodpasture's syndrome Scleroderma Raynaud's Phenomenon Lupus (e.g., systemic lupus erythematosus [SLE]) Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)...

Blood Interpretation

Cholesterol Cholesterol values should only be analyzed after a 12 hour fast. Further, the physician must be aware that the patient's posture prior to the blood draw is significant. If the patient has been in a recumbent posture for more than 20 minutes, cholesterol values may be up to 15% lower than normal. Cholesterol is a blood fat which is the prime building block component to make...

What is the Intentional Community of River Haven?

The following article, 'What is the Intentional Community of River Hayven?', Written by Ann Woods and Doctor T, was Posted in the June 2005 Ecopolitan newsletter. River Hayven, the Wisconsin intentional community supporting a raw foods lifestyle, is blossoming this summer into a community with 7-8 full-time live-in members and several seasonal residents.  The community intends to...

Radiation Free Breast Screening

Radiation Free Breast Screening

Breast Thermography, Also known as Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI) is available at the Ecopolitan Building's 'clinic' (left to restaurant) on the first Saturday of the month. A Certified Thermographer comes to the Ecopolitan Building on the first Saturday of every month for this purpose, with all the sophisticated equipment necessary to perform this life-enhancing and...

The Occasional Junk Food - Helping your Friends to Heal

I frequently encounter the question:  "Junk food - how bad can it be if it's "only a rare occurrence"?"  Previously, I've touched on this subject; today we will complete this discussion. The past article began as follows:

Bioactive Plant Fraction Therapy

Formulated for peak wellness by Dr. T, the products below are made from the scientifically-validated bio-active molecules isolated from pure, organic, sustainably-grown natural plant oils. These innovative formulations can either be inhaled from pocket-size inhalers, or from an ultrasonic diffuser.  Indoor diffusion helps to manage molds, fungal spores, and other microbes, and can help reduce...

"Ask Dr. T" - Recorded Lectures (CDs and DVDs)

The Dark Side of Dark Field Microscopy (1 CD) DESCRIPTION: Learn about the inadequacies of dark field microscopy, the dangers of diagnosis from this method and better alternatives to dark field microscopy.  COST: $15 + shipping EMDR With Brainspotting: For Warp-Speed Emotional Healing (1 CD) DESCRIPTION: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocesing) is a therapy used to...

Body Composition

All experts agree that obesity, even being overweight, contributes heavily to all degenerative disease. The United States Surgeon General stated that a failure to address excessive weight and obesity "could wipe out the gains we've made in areas such as heart disease, several forms of cancer, and other chronic health problems." Although attempts to lose weight are common in the...

Severe Depression Relieved: Treatment Testimonial

Severe Depression Relieved: Treatment Testimonial Written by: Kimberly, Dr.T's patient Dr.T's thoughts are offered at the end of her article. "...As I wrote this article, tears came to my eyes many times because for the first time in my life, I am enjoying life versus being buried by it. The first time I saw you, I was feeling like I was at the end of a very long rope. I was...

What is Eco-Raw Living? How is it "beyond raw food diet"?

EcoRaw Living is not only a natural way to satisfy our taste buds and nutrient needs without  compromising the principles of ecology, sustainability, and nutritional health. It is a complete approach to life, involving every aspect of cellular nutrition and health that is known to science: Unlike other lifestyle approaches, including many raw food paths that often sadly focus on...

Holistic Science: Effective or Placebo Effect?

Some of my patients occasionally speak with their friends who happen to be allopathic doctors (orthodox medical-industrial doctors) about their medical care for chronic medical conditions (with which they had no good results until using functional medicine). These medical friends often claim in response that there is "no science" in the practice of non-allopathic health practitioners and...

Ear Dysfunction - Infection (Otitis Media)

Acute otitis media is a viral or bacterial infection of the middle ear, usually secondary to a URI. It is most common in children six to 36 months old and then again at 4-7 years old. It is the most frequent diagnosis of children in a clinical setting, and it is estimated that about 2 billion dollars spent each year for conventional medical and surgical treatment of the condition.

Eye Conditions

Cataracts   Cataracts are clumps of protein that collect on the lens of an eye and interfere with vision. Normally, light passes through the lens (the clear tissue behind the pupil) and focuses on the retina. The retina is the light-sensitive layer of the eye that sends visual signals to the brain. A cataract occurs when the normally clear lens becomes cloudy. Most cataracts develop slowly...

Female Conditions

Amenorrhea Absence of menstruation. Amenorrhea may be primary (the girl has never begun her periods) or secondary (the woman had her periods once and then stopped having them). Physiologic amenorrhea is the lack of menses before menarche, during pregnancy and early lactation, and after menopause (all considered normal). All other causes of amenorrhea are pathologic.   Causes of Primary...


Adapted from "Nutritional Therapies for Fibromyalgia Syndrome", written by Kristi Hughes, ND Fibromyalgia is a syndrome characterized by generalized musculoskeletal pain and stiffness, chronic aching, fatigue, and multiple areas of local tenderness that can be identified during physical examination.   Research studies suggest that fibromyalgia pain may be the result of a...

Allergies and Food Sensitivities

Question: Dr. T, thanks for writing my college a letter explaining my special health needs arising from my chemical sensitivities and food sensitivities and my related dietary requirements. As you know, my nutritional demands depart radically from the School Lunch program, which derives its inspiration from the SAD- Standard American Diet. I received some resistance from the school officials, who...

Overcoming Resistance to Holistic Medicine

Question: My 9 year old daughter has chronic recurring urinary tract infection, and has been under medical care (antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs) for many years, without success. I want to try another approach, but my husband's parents are medical doctors and they resist any alternative approach. I would like to have a consultation with you for examination and diagnosis, but first I must...

The Pathogenicity of Resistant Bacterial Colonies, Viruses, and Molds

Virulent microorganisms, when allowed to proliferate in the body, are major contributors to inflammation, toxins, free radicals, and stress, leading to degenerative disease and premature aging. Therefore, we must find ways to inhibit the overgrowth of pathogenic fungi, bacteria, and viruses in the lungs, gut, internal organs, tissues, and ducts.  

Are You Concerned About Cancer?

Are You Concerned About Cancer?

While the medical community appears to be struggling ferociously with the specter of malignant disease, statistics show that in the last few decades cancer rates have been steadily increasing. Alarmingly, it is now estimated that one of three Americans will have had cancer during his or her lifetime. Should this trend continue, within several years it is likely that one of every two Americans will...

Functional Medicine and Beyond

By Prof. Adiel Tel-Oren, MD (Europe), CCN, DABFM, DACBN, LN, DC(ret), DABOM, FABDA; Practice Focus: Nutritional, Environmental, & Functional Medicine President & Founder, Ecopolitan Eco-Health Network ( President Emeritus & Professor of Nutrition and Functional Medicine, University of Natural Medicine


Here are your directions on how to reach the Ecopolitan building. Enjoy your way! Ecopolitan's Address: 2409 Lyndale Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55403

Nutritional Consultations

The following information will help you prepare for your consultation appointment with Dr. T, if you seek his guidance on your quest for health and wellness:


What are the nutritional strategies in treatment of cancer? Here is your guide to enhancing the immune / antioxidant status, enzyme therapy, chemotherapy and / or radiation therapy support and suggested nutritional supplementation.

M2PK Pricing & Sample Reports, Plus A New Gift

A. M2PK Pricing B. Sample Reports C. Pre-Launch Gift (Discount) - 5 Unusual Health Secrets  Enter your email address to receive M2PK / FDH Panel pricing info and sample test reports, plus receive another gift!

The Most Dangerous, Expensive, Questionable Diagnostic Test Routinely Ordered for You and Your Loved Ones: What to Do Instead?

Get it now for just $19.95 FREE! Don't have time for the entire video? Get a PDF Summary!   In this detailed summary PDF your will learn: What is the best NEW scientific test to accurately detect the most feared cancer (up to 30 years before the "routine" test will detect it), when it's still easy to reverse the process with no drugs, radiation, or surgery? What is...

The Power of Raw Foods Online Event

  Take Charge of Your Health with the Power of Raw Foods Author - Speaker: Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren, MD, DC, CCN You’re invited to join me and 28+ brilliant vegan doctors and raw food experts to gain a deeper understanding of the whole food vegan lifestyle. When raw plant foods predominate, the body will be cleansed internally, liberating our boundless energy. Learn why raw vegan foods...

Dorothy Torrey, M.S. - Certified Wellness Cuisine Consultant

To my friends in Boston and Cape Cod: It was exciting to be at the Harvard University lecture and to be actually hearing a doctor, Adiel Tel-Oren, courageous enough to be addressing our broken American Health System. But what was more exciting was the fact that Dr. Tel-Oren shared his vision and plan about how a shift could be done. His plan sounded doable and practical. The solution in fixing...

Tess Baril's Testimonial

Audience Response from Dr. T's Fall 2011 Lecture at Harvard University I wanted to thank you for inviting me to Dr. Tel-Oren’s lecture at Harvard. I went into the talk a bit skeptical of “alternative healthcare,” but I soon discovered that what Dr. T was discussing was logical and backed up by a lot of scientific research and personal experience. Being a biology major and...

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