Cape - Search Results

The Roof of Africa & Beyond

An Account of Dr. Tel-Oren's Adventures in Tanzania, Africa: Safari, Nutritional Research, and Climbing Kilimanjaro Drug-Free and Altitude Sickness-Free (Transcribed from Dr. T's Tuesday Lecture at Ecopolitan in February 2010).

Or's Testimonial

A few days ago I have returned from a trekking trip to Nepal that was guided by Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren (“Dr. T”). Among the mostly-American group members, there were two other Israelis, Shai and Anna, who returned at the same time and will share their own experience of this trip.  I will not provide all the details of the trip at this time, nor will I copy everything that I...

Foraging, Herbology, and Mangoes, it must be Spring!

When I was in Israel (the Galilee) and Italy (Tuscany) a few weeks ago, I went foraging a bit (see those pictures and other foraging  pictures in the blog). Even in Victoria, BC last week I found some time with my hosts to eat some wild plants (but not in Seattle, Olympia area, and Portland - I wish there was more time!). Each country and State with its own micro-climate supports its own...

The Inspiration & Purpose Behind Eco Global Retreats & Adventures

People often ask me why I have decided, as a part of my life's mission, to occupy myself with ecological tourism and the organization of global adventures, especially in light of how busy I am with other projects, including various clinics in and out of the USA, the expanding international Ecopolitan Eco-Health Network, web-based projects, inventions, local and international lectures, writing,...

Acid Reflux - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a disorder in which contents of the stomach or small intestine repeatedly move back up into the esophagus (tube connecting the throat to the stomach). This regurgitating action is called reflux. Reflux causes heartburn, and although most people have an attack of heartburn at some point in their lives, persistent reflux and severe heartburn may indicate...

Kidney Stones

Urinary calculi occurring in any part of the urinary tract are abnormal concretions usually composed of mineral salts such as mixtures of calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, and magnesium ammonium phosphate. They vary in size from microscopic to several centimeters in diameter. About 80% of all urinary stones contain calcium. The majority of these are composed of calcium oxalate. Contrary to...

Neurological Conditions

Neurological Conditions   The Interplay of Neurotransmitters & Mental States The body is the theater for emotional and cognitive states. Whether mood or mental issues express themselves through behavior or physical functioning-neurotransmitters are one group of characters at play. Memory and cognitive processes are heavily dependent on acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter...

Rheumatoid Arthritis

The Natural Approach Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects the entire body but especially the synovial membranes of the joints. It is a classic example of an "autoimmune disease," a condition in which the body's immune system attacks the body's own tissue. Although rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic disease, it affects primarily the joints. The...

Order Your Himalayan Sulfur-Rich Black Salt Today!

1.  Visit the Nutri-Dyn website or call 1-800-444-9998 2.  Set up your account - use the practitioner number associated with your local Ecopolitan Area Coordinator (see below).  If you don't reside in an area serviced by an Area Coordinator, please use #100746 3. Order the Himalayan Sulfur-Rich Black Salt - Product # S155 - $14.95

Are You Concerned About Cancer?

Are You Concerned About Cancer?

While the medical community appears to be struggling ferociously with the specter of malignant disease, statistics show that in the last few decades cancer rates have been steadily increasing. Alarmingly, it is now estimated that one of three Americans will have had cancer during his or her lifetime. Should this trend continue, within several years it is likely that one of every two Americans will...

Eco-Trek and Nepali Community Tour - Spring 2011

Mardi Himal Rhododendron Bloom Eco-Trek and Nepali Community Tour, and much more! Guided by Dr. T, this Group Adventure Also Supports Sustainable Rural Development and Education for Poor Nepali Children and Orphans Exploring The Himalayas, Authentic Nepali Village Life, The Spiritual Birthplace of Buddha, Chitwan Jungle Park, and Magnificent World Heritage Site Temples  ~ March 23 - April 8,...

The Power of Raw Foods Online Event

  Take Charge of Your Health with the Power of Raw Foods Author - Speaker: Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren, MD, DC, CCN You’re invited to join me and 28+ brilliant vegan doctors and raw food experts to gain a deeper understanding of the whole food vegan lifestyle. When raw plant foods predominate, the body will be cleansed internally, liberating our boundless energy. Learn why raw vegan foods...

Virginia S. (October 2012 Trek)

Have you ever dreamed of visiting Nepal, having a great adventure where no tourists have been before you, riding or swimming with an elephant?? If yes, then a trek to Nepal with Dr. Tel-Oren is for you! And the proceeds of the trek build schools and educate children in Nepal who would otherwise never have any education at all. 

Nepali Nectar - by Amanda Heidemann

Nepali Nectar - by Amanda Heidemann

As the plane soared through the beauteous expanse frosting the tips of the mighty Himalayas and then glided across the towering Kathmandu valley so crowded with metallic and candy-colored structures and girdled by a sea of cascading terraces, I remained unaware that the theme for the rest of the journey had already been put in place - immensity. Immensity of not only the external landscapes...

Grace (March 2013 Trek)

The trip was definitely a once in a life time experience. I was particularly impressed with the logistics and the sustainability of the Everest Learning Center and other ongoing projects in support of the Nepalese children. Nothing like seeing men conducting business and getting things accomplished on the side of a mountain top with snow capped mountains in the background. Dr. T is doing a great...

Dorothy Torrey (March 2013 Community Tour)

I went to Nepal as a non-trekker not only to see a distant place and the beauty of the Himalayans, but mainly because of two desires: 1) To understand our connectedness to the global community of men, women and children in remote villages, and 2) As a Cape Cod area coordinator, to have a bigger picture of the work that Dr. T does in socio-economic and sustainable community development, and of...

Dorothy Torrey, M.S. - Certified Wellness Cuisine Consultant

To my friends in Boston and Cape Cod: It was exciting to be at the Harvard University lecture and to be actually hearing a doctor, Adiel Tel-Oren, courageous enough to be addressing our broken American Health System. But what was more exciting was the fact that Dr. Tel-Oren shared his vision and plan about how a shift could be done. His plan sounded doable and practical. The solution in fixing...

Tropical Thailand Tour & Healing Retreat

Amazing Temples, Nature, Tropical Fruits, Bodywork -  a Healing & Education Retreat with Dr. T 9 Days including 3 days in Bangkok and 5 days in a Remote Paradise!  Off the Beaten Path!

August 2019 Foraging Retreat with Dr. T

Four Days of Foraging - A retreat with Ecopolitan Community Founder Dr. T: Health Education, Nutrition, & Fun in Nature When:   August 7-11, 2019 Where:  River Haven, Wisconsin Arrive:  Wednesday, August 7 (between 7:00-9:00 PM)               or Thursday, August 8 (between 6:00-8:00 AM) Depart:  Sunday, August 11...