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Candida Albicans Dietary Guide

Food Permitted Foods Foods Not Permitted Sweets Unpasteurized honey, unsulfurated black-strap molasses, raw sugar sorghum by themselves or used as sweeteners. NOTE: Use in moderation! Refined sugar, candy, chocolate....

Modified Elimination Diet

Foods to Include Foods to Avoid Fruits Unsweetened fresh, frozen, water-packed, or canned; unsweetened fruit juices except orange Oranges Vegetables All fresh raw, steamed, sautéed, juiced, or roasted vegetables Corn; creamed vegetables Starch Rice,...

Or's Testimonial

A few days ago I have returned from a trekking trip to Nepal that was guided by Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren (“Dr. T”). Among the mostly-American group members, there were two other Israelis, Shai and Anna, who returned at the same time and will share their own experience of this trip.  I will not provide all the details of the trip at this time, nor will I copy everything that I...


Gout is a type of arthritis that occurs when too much uric acid builds up in the body, causing crystals to form in joints and joints to become inflamed. It can be hereditary or the result of another condition. Gout usually affects men over 40 with a family history of gout, but it can occur at any time and also affects women, especially after menopause. Excessive intake of food and alcohol,...

Green Bakery - Gluten free products

Green Bakery - Gluten free products

Sensible Breads for Sensitive Bodies * Dairy Free * Soy & Egg Free * Nut & Corn Free * VeganOrganic,  GMO-Free, and soon-to-be Kosher Founder Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren (Dr. T), a licensed MD in Europe and Asia, and a Board Certified Nutritionist licensed in the USA, has witnessed allergic reactions in his many patients around the world. Dr. T worked with a baking consultant for a year to...

The Occasional Junk Food - Helping your Friends to Heal

I frequently encounter the question:  "Junk food - how bad can it be if it's "only a rare occurrence"?"  Previously, I've touched on this subject; today we will complete this discussion. The past article began as follows:

Candida Albicans

Candidiasis is an infection with a fungus of the Candida strain, usually limited to the skin and mucous membranes, but sometimes is systemic and life-threatening. Candida albicans are a single cell yeast/fungus that is found in practically 100% of the population. It lives on the mucous membranes of the body, the digestive/intestinal tract, vagina and the skin.  MOST...

Cardiovascular Disease

Definitions of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Total cholesterol Cholesterol is a waxy fat like substance. Total cholesterol refers to the sum of the different sub-fractions of cholesterol that are measured in the blood. Total cholesterol is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The National Cholesterol Education Program says 240 is considered high. A person with this level...


Low-level, long-term exposure to toxins such as heavy metals (e.g. lead, mercury, PSP, and cadmium), pesticides, industrial  compounds, and pollutants is associated with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS), fibromyalgia (FM), neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease and atherosclerosis as well as many types of cancers. Common signs and...

Eye Conditions

Cataracts   Cataracts are clumps of protein that collect on the lens of an eye and interfere with vision. Normally, light passes through the lens (the clear tissue behind the pupil) and focuses on the retina. The retina is the light-sensitive layer of the eye that sends visual signals to the brain. A cataract occurs when the normally clear lens becomes cloudy. Most cataracts develop slowly...

Female Conditions

Amenorrhea Absence of menstruation. Amenorrhea may be primary (the girl has never begun her periods) or secondary (the woman had her periods once and then stopped having them). Physiologic amenorrhea is the lack of menses before menarche, during pregnancy and early lactation, and after menopause (all considered normal). All other causes of amenorrhea are pathologic.   Causes of Primary...

About Dr. T

About Dr. T

Prof. Adiel Tel-Oren ("Dr. T") MD, DC, DABFM, DABCN, CCN - Health & Nutrition Science Expert; Holistic Skin Scientist; World-Wide Lecturer to Doctors, Health Practitioners, & the Public; Founder of the "Tel-Oren MucoCutaneous Therapy" - a Non-Surgical, Non-Medical Approach to Skin and Mucous Lesions; Skin & Anti-Aging Diagnostics and Therapeutics Innovator;...

August 2019 Foraging Retreat with Dr. T

Four Days of Foraging - A retreat with Ecopolitan Community Founder Dr. T: Health Education, Nutrition, & Fun in Nature When:   August 7-11, 2019 Where:  River Haven, Wisconsin Arrive:  Wednesday, August 7 (between 7:00-9:00 PM)               or Thursday, August 8 (between 6:00-8:00 AM) Depart:  Sunday, August 11...