What We SHOULD Eat
1. Nutrient-Dense Leafy Greens - daily, unlimited amounts! The more the better! One or two types at any time. Explore the many kinds. Try kale, mustard greens, collards, dandelion greens, arugula, beet greens, parsley, cilantro, spinach, swiss chard, endive, green and red lettuce, turnip greens, lamb’s lettuce, watercress, fresh herbs, etc…...
Headache: Nonvascular
Headache without vascular cause. The most commonly diagnosed condition in the United States with 70% of these caused by muscle tension. Causes include suboccipital muscle spasms from injury (whiplash), postural strain (caused, for example, by a computer screen angled incorrectly), pillow too large that forces flexion of the neck during rest. Usually gradual onset, but tends to persist in cyclical...
Multiple Sclerosis
Nearly 350,000 Americans are affected by one of medicine's most misunderstood diseases, multiple sclerosis. Although there is no known cure, alternative medicine has recognized a number of contributing factors. Often, the early detection and identification of underlying causes combined with strict dietary and life-style guidelines can stabilize or reverse the symptoms.